
Terms of service for technical work

These terms cover most of the technical work that we do, and set out how our sprints work and what our and our clients’ respective responsibilities are.

General terms of service

These terms cover strategy and consulting work.

GovPress hosting, SLA and AUP

These terms cover our GovPress hosting service.

This service is also governed by an acceptable use policy and a service level agreement.

When we send these terms, we generally include the terms of service for technical work too, as clients often require some development work to enhance or configure their hosted service.

Container hosting, SLA and AUP

These terms cover our container hosting service.

As with GovPress, this service is also governed by an acceptable use policy and a service level agreement.

When we send these terms, we generally include the terms of service for technical work too, as clients often require some development work to enhance or configure their hosted service.


These are the terms that apply to all employees at dxw digital.